1. 2023 Kohl's High School Season All-American Team

    Kohl's Kicking, Punting, and Long Snapping Camps

Americas Camp Hero

Posted January 11, 2024 | Bret

We are proud to announce the 2023 Kohl's Kicking, Punting, and Long Snapping High School Season All-American Team. This team is based on season statistics entered into kohlskicking.com after the high school football season, communicated to our staff, and from high school football coaches across the country.


Class of 2024

1st TeamTownsMcGoughAL19-22 (Long 60)
2nd TeamMasonLoveMO16-20 (Long 57)
3rd TeamSpencerConradOH18-22 (Long 50)
Honorable MentionCooperCrawfordTX15-19 (Long 50)
Honorable MentionHudsonHangesGA15-16 (Long 48)
Honorable MentionBrodyLagaUT15-19 (Long 59)
Honorable MentionDavisLittleGA14-20 (Long 60)
Honorable MentionSeanWestWI15-19 (Long 50)
1st TeamDrewMillerIA49-yard avg (17/30 inside 20)
2nd TeamReedChandleyGA47-yard avg (15/29 inside 20)
3rd TeamColemanFranzoneSC47.7-yard avg (13/22 inside 20)
Honorable MentionSamDubwigAR46-yard avg (23/48 inside 20)
Honorable MentionKanyonFloydAZ45.7-yard avg (7/14 inside 20)
Honorable MentionMichaelKernFL46.3- yard avg (14/25 inside 20)
Honorable MentionLucasOsadaVA45-yard avg (7/19 inside 20)
Honorable MentionMaxZuluagaMS48-yard avg (4/22 inside 20)
Kickoff Specialist
1st TeamAeronBurrellLA35-36 Touchbacks
2nd TeamCharlieVondermeedenTX31-32 Touchbacks
3rd TeamMatthewRoladerAL57-60 Touchbacks
Honorable MentionJonathanDimasTX67-75 Touchbacks
Honorable MentionJacobKauweMT42-45 Touchbacks
Honorable MentionMasonLindbergAZ52-57 Touchbacks
Honorable MentionConnorPoolePA34-38 Touchbacks
Honorable MentionJakeWeinbergFL45-48 Touchbacks
Long Snapper
1st TeamAlanSoukupAZ
2nd TeamCannonSkidmoreAZ
3rd TeamJayWilliamsGA
Honorable MentionTrentBakerTX
Honorable MentionAndrewDufaultMA
Honorable MentionKevinFayMD
Honorable MentionKeatonMcnuttGA
Honorable MentionLukeRaabTN

Class of 2025

1st TeamAshtonVogelIN18-22 (Long 51)
2nd TeamBrettFitzgeraldGA15-17 (Long 48)
3rd TeamNoahMcGoughTX17-21 (Long 51)
Honorable MentionConnerHughesAL13-13 (Long 45)
Honorable MentionAlexNoverGA17-21 (Long 43)
Honorable MentionAndrewRosenTX14-18 (Long 48)
1st TeamJackRichardsonMS46.3-yard average
2nd TeamNathanHolbrookTN45.5-yard average
3rd TeamVaughnLennonFL45.3-yard average
Honorable MentionAlexAsparuhovCA43.5-yard average
Honorable MentionBrianCheckleyMD43.6-yard average
Honorable MentionOwenSaracenoVA42.9-yard average
Kickoff Specialist
1st TeamMaxKelleyTN63-67 Touchbacks
2nd TeamLondonBironasTN38-41 Touchbacks
3rd TeamJackBeyloFL43-47 Touchbacks
Honorable MentionTrippBryantSC46-52 Touchbacks
Honorable MentionErikSchmidtWI70-80 Touchbacks
Honorable MentionBrekSchultzLA29-33 Touchbacks
Long Snapper
1st TeamSethFreemanOK
2nd TeamCianStackNV
3rd TeamMackMulhernAZ
Honorable MentionJasonArredondoNV
Honorable MentionHenrySearcyFL
Honorable MentionHunterSolwoldMD

Class of 2026

1st TeamJayGiuntaFL16-17 (Long 48)
2nd TeamAidenAndrewsGA14-16 (Long 47)
Honorable MentionJacksonElamAR13-15 (Long 46)
Honorable MentionJonHewittOH11-15 (Long 57)
Honorable MentionJackMantheyCO9-11 (Long 52)
1st TeamBrooksMooreGA42-yd average (14 inside 20)
2nd TeamTrevonCreagerKS42-yd average (10 inside 20)
Honorable MentionVanKrisiloffIN38-yard average
Honorable MentionGavinPolkLA39-yard average
Honorable MentionBeauVeitWI39.5-yard average
Kickoff Specialist
1st TeamGavinHigginsLA52-64 Touchbacks
2nd TeamColeBowersOH51-64 Touchbacks
Honorable MentionDavidGreenNC46-66 Touchbacks
Honorable MentionTrentSmithIN42-63 Touchbacks
Honorable MentionZakZemanIL25-35 Touchbacks
Long Snapper
1st TeamLanceAldertonMO
2nd TeamJacksonTolleIN
Honorable MentionGrahamBroughtonCO
Honorable MentionTyKapuchuckVA
Honorable MentionTrottO'NealTX

Class of 2027 Top Performers

Top PerformersBenBrewerTN

From The Blog

National Signing Day // Class of 2025

On National Signing Day, our entire staff wants to congratulate the Kohl's Class of 2025 kickers, punters, and long snappers on their college offers, commitments, and signings!

Whether it be a scholarship offer or walk-on opportunity, we are happy you have found a college football program to call home!

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